Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Meaning of Fatherland

What does the Fatherland mean?
The term "fatherland" refers to an anthropomorphized conception of certain countries. "Motherland" is another common term like this. "Fatherland" is a translation of Latin "patria" (from "pater" meaning "father"), which is related to words like "patriotic" (love of one's fatherland or homeland), etc.

Most typically, "fatherland" is used in a context referring to Germany. In German "Vaterland" means "fatherland"; however, since World War II this term has developed Nazi connotations, so it is now avoided in general except in ironic or humorous contexts.
1.      1. A person's native country, esp. when referred to in patriotic terms.
2.      2. Germany, esp. during the period of Hitler's control.
motherland - homeland - country - native land – home

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